Most Important Elements of Interior Designing

There are several key elements that interior designers rely on while designing a space in order to make sure that it is balanced. You must note that there are a total of seven elements and principles of interior design for facilitating creative inspiration. Let’s get back to the basics by pondering upon the most important elements of interior design. The seven key elements of interior design are: Color - Color is the element responsible for setting the entire mood and feeling of a space. Apart from setting your visual preferences, the color element will decide the energy or attitude you are trying to convey for your room. Form - Another simple term for shape, expressing the silhouette of any furniture, artwork, or any other 3-D object that you could imagine. There are basically two types of forms; geometric and natural. Edgy shapes like squares and rectangles tend to exemplify strength, while curvy and rounded shapes speak for softness. Light - Light is what ensures th...